How To Reuse / Upcycle Candle Tins
The question I get asked most from customers is how to reuse or upcycle candle tins once the candle is done. I am happy to share this very easy how-to with you!
You can reuse your candle tins for storage of jewelry, hair accessories, office supplies, or even small plants! (If you go the plant route, make sure your plant does not need drainage and/or drill a couple holes in the bottom of your tin if needed.)
You will need the following supplies to clean out your tins:
Boiling water (A tea kettle works just fine!)
Pot holder or folded paper towels beneath the candle
Spoon or something to stir with
Oven mitt to handle the tin
Dish soap to clean out afterwards
Before you start, make sure your candle has been burned down as much as possible. I recommend burning to at least ¼ inch.
Now, simply follow the steps below!
Step 1: Boil water in a pot or tea kettle.
Step 2: Place your candle tin on a pot holder or folded paper towels to protect the surface below.
Step 3: Poor boiling water into the candle tin until ½ or ¾ full.
Step 4: Let sit for a minute and you’ll start to notice wax bubbling up from the bottom.
Step 5: To help the process along, stir the wax and water mixture with a spoon until all the wax comes off the tin. Be careful, because the tin will be hot. The candle wick should pop off easily at this point as well.
Step 6: Using an oven mitt to handle the tin, pour the wax and water mixture into a disposable cup or straight into your garbage can (unless your garbage can is empty). You won’t want this amount of wax going down your sink.
Step 7: After you have poured out the wax, you can clean the rest of your tin with dish soap over your sink.
That’s it! You can now reuse your tin for anything you like.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to send me a message using the Contact Form on the website.